- Oxy-hydrogen generation or HHO gas is a revolutionary technology that produces a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen from water through electrolysis.
- Oxy-hydrogen generation is achieved by subjecting H2O to an electrical current, in an electrolysis cell.
- The chemical reaction occurring during oxy-hydrogen generation can be represented as follows: 2H2O (liquid) = 2H2 (gas) + O2 (gas).
What are the benefits of HHO- Oxy Hydrogen Gas?
- High Energy Density: Oxy-hydrogen gas has a high energy density, making it an efficient and versatile energy source for multiple applications.
- Environmentally Friendly: Oxy-hydrogen generation produces zero NOx emissions or byproducts, making it a very clean and sustainable energy source. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions and reduces the environmental impact.
How Can We Use HHO Gas?
- There are hundreds of applications where the HHO mixture can be used. Here are a few of them:
- Substitution of the air-fuel mixture of all types of internal combustion engines with HHO gas reduces carbon emissions by 80% and saves fuel 20-50% depending on the fossil fuel type.
- Hydrogen helps the burning process of industrial gas boilers, industrial furnaces, welding, and soldering of different materials and needs.
- Incineration and destruction of different types of waste such as medical, and possibly nuclear waste.
- Hydrogen is applicable for heating purposes for households and industries.
- HHO can be used to superheat the gas leaving the compressor of an HVAC system to improve Airconditioning performance by up to 200%
- HHO can also be used to provide the energy required for an absorption heat pump.